Hair loss treatment: A true elixir to keep your hair growing and glowing!

Hair loss treatment best natural remedy by Dr Elix

Did you know that on average without experiencing hair loss, your hair grows by half-inch every month? Of course, it also depends on your overall health and well-being but hair growth more or less follows the same slow pattern. Now imagine a situation wherein you might be experiencing hair loss on a daily basis, and your existent rate of hair growth is unable to cope with the situation.

Alopecia is a form of hair loss, but it more specifically refers to a disorder that creates baldness that is not patterned or orderly. If you’re struggling with any form of hair loss or thinning, you’re far from alone.

How common is hair loss?

Hair loss is very common than you think, with American women accounting for 40 percent of Americans struggling with hair thinning or loss. It also tends to be most prevalent in your 40s and 50s.

Alopecia being one of the most prominent forms of hair loss is also very common, with about 147 million people worldwide having the condition.

What are the causes of hair loss?

According to Dr.Eric Schweiger of the Schweiger Dermatology Group in New York, the causes of hair loss are “androgenetic” or hormone-related, stress-related hair loss, also known as “telogen effluvium”, and dandruff. Medications, vitamin deficiencies, thyroid disorders, excessive hairstyling and autoimmune disorders can also cause hair loss and thinning”.

Hereditary hair loss is the most common type of hair loss. About 80 million men and women in the United States have this type of condition.

Alopecia occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles. It is usually temporary, but if not properly treated, flare-ups can recur periodically until eventually you cannot regrow any hair.

Challenges of hair loss

Hair loss can be challenging for any person, but it’s especially difficult for women in a world where the hair is often considered a measure of femininity and self-worth — your “crowning glory”. “My hair was me, my identity, my femininity,” says Amy-Rose Lynch, 25 years old, an advertising art director. ” I thought I was lost when my hair started falling out.”

Why should I start taking care of my hair?

It might interest you to know that, your hair quality changes decades before you start noticing grays, but the aging can be so subtle at first that you may not spot the damage until years later. In other words, when it comes to hair, it’s never too early for some serious maintenance.

You may not think of protecting your hair from aging like you do your skin. But even in your 20s and 30s, hair becomes thinner and duller, with less volume and bounciness over time, says Anabel Kingsley, a trichologist and spokesperson for Philip Kingsley, a haircare line started by her father. It can also become more difficult to grow longer locks. “Many women report that their parting seems wider, their scalp is more visible as they get older, and their hair will not grow as long.”

The average woman or man sheds around 100 hairs in one single day, and that’s with no stimulus at all. Unfortunately, seasonal hair loss is also very much a thing and studies have shown that in Europe, hair loss is at its peak during the months of August and September, so we need to start locking down our precautions now.

When exactly does one start to experience hair loss?

There’s no real hard-and-fast timeline for hair loss other than risks of experiencing it are typically proportionate to your age. It can basically begin any time after puberty, with your chances of hair loss becoming greater as you grow older. We all admire the man in his 80s who still has a great head of hair, primarily because he’s an exception to the rule in his peer group.

Reasons for hair loss

The Reasons are plenty, ranging from chemotherapy to an incomplete diet and everything in between. What you end up with is a depleted mane and at times even baldness, which has an adverse impact on your appearance.

Some of the prominent reasons are listed below:

  • Diet: Experts agree that maintaining a healthy diet is good for hair growth. The right mix of protein, iron and other nutrients (we’ve already mentioned zinc and folic acid) can help you maintain a healthy, full head of hair. Consider a single strand of hair: it’s made up mostly of protein. It only stands to reason that the proper mix of protein in your diet will promote healthy hair. If you don’t get enough protein, then a greater amount of your hair will go into the resting phase. Not getting enough iron in your diet can also lead to hair loss.
  • Medication: As you can see, the reasons you’re going bald are many, but with genetics, age and hormones playing major roles. Genetically speaking, we don’t have a lot of control over what our parents gave us. But we also know that other factors can accelerate hair loss, factors which we do have some control over. Yes, bald is beautiful. But only if you don’t mind being bald.
  • Alcohol: Unrestrained alcohol consumption affects the levels of estrogen and zinc in the body, which subsequently affects hair loss. Estrogen levels are raised while Zinc – an essential mineral for growing hair – is reduced. In addition, folic acid levels can also be reduced, and folic acid is important in helping you maintain healthy and strong hair.

Are there other factors?

It is worth noting that natural factors such as mental health also play a large factor. Harley Street trichologist Sara G. According to Allison, “Stress has the biggest physiological impact on our bodies because it causes the adrenals to release the stress hormone, cortisol, and when you get more of it, then it will lower the female hormone progesterone, which can have implications on pattern hair loss”.

Regardless of the reason, losing your hair can be extremely devastating for some — make that most — people, seeing as the hair is an external factor that can greatly impact a person’s self-image and confidence, all thanks to societal pressure. While there are much worse things that can happen to a person than losing their hair, there’s also no denying how incredibly frustrating it can be.

Natural remedy to hair loss

Everyone gets to a stage in life when being aware of some of the best products that become a priority. We are all in constant search of a product derived from natural products of Mother Earth herself.

Whether you are experiencing hair loss for medical reasons, as a coming of age, or even as a result of a traumatic color experience at the hairdressers (it happens to the best of us!), hair fall is incredibly common among women and men of all ages and the question of which effective natural treatment or product should we use next is ever circulating.

With terms like ‘organic’ and ‘natural’ has become a fad, it is imperative for buyers to be educated enough to be able to make out if the product is truly organic and natural. The unfortunate truth is that despite claiming to be organic and natural, products turn out to be anything but that and can even cause harm. Therefore, if you wish to be truly benefitted rather than suffer unpleasant side effects, it is imperative to be able to identify the diamond among the stones.

Dr. Elix Expert Hair Loss Serum is the product for you, this product enables you to overcome hair loss by nourishing the scalp, eliminating problems, and encouraging the growth of new hair. As a result, regular usage may give you the gift of a thick, strong, and healthy mane which you can be proud of without having to suffer any side effects. As a supplement and first choice hair care beauty ritual, we recommend the use of our Prickly pear seed oil or a mix of this prodigious Moroccan oil and Argan oil.

It is actually a myth that the best natural hair growth serum products are expensive and come for a fortune. This serum is very affordable and available just for you.

The search is over!!!

We are always looking for that life-changing hair product. Many of us have just accepted “bad days for hair” as the norm and tend to throw their locks in a bun or add a hat to their outfits if our locks aren’t up to par, but that shouldn’t be the case. So, lock down your beauty regime, take some time out to pamper your mane, nourish your body with fuel and help yourself and your hair be the happiest and healthiest it can be. Take control of your mane today.

Dr. Elix – Premium Organic Solutions

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