The natural cure for acne and scars

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Beauty is a nectar that intoxicates the soul. Of course, you would look perfect without having acne on your skin, but there is no exquisite beauty without some blemishes in proportion. Acne and its scars being one of those blemishes tend to be problematic, but it doesn’t have to be, because here we understand how you feel and we have decided to present you with the solution you have been longing for.

Acne can be very annoying, in that it shows up as it pleases, stays around for far too long, and is fundamentally evil. While acne is not a life-threatening disease, it can cause considerable psychological and physical scarring to the victims of the disease.

Who can have acne?

Anyone can get acne, although it’s most common in teens and young adults and it is in fact the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually.

It might interest you to know that it affects all age groups and recent studies show acne is more common in women than in men.

Some people have grown the wrong habit of squeezing their faces when consulted on this matter, the dermatologists Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi and Dr. Jennifer Chwalek from Union Square Laser Dermatology, don’t even have the word squeeze in their vocabulary. Both doctors took great pains in explaining that squeezing can push bacteria deeper back into the skin, making you more likely to get a stubborn scar. Try to be as gentle as possible to your skin. Remember, acnes are angry and inflamed, so try not to make matters worse by picking or scrubbing the skin.

I have acne, is it because I sweat a lot?

If you work out a lot or are just a naturally sweaty person, it’s easy to assume that your sweat is causing you to break out. But it’s only partially true. Although sweat doesn’t necessarily cause acne, if it’s allowed to stay on your skin, it can mix with dirt, grime, dead skin cells, and other gunk to clog things up.

Is there any connection between acne and my state of mind?

It might interest you to know that the mind and skin are connected. Matt Traube, a licensed clinical therapist who specializes in something called psychodermatology – A field that encompasses a few different ways of dealing with the connection between the mind and the skin- stated that in working with his patients, he tries to ask open-ended questions, searching for patterns around their flare-ups. “People will say, ‘Oh, I noticed it was whenever I had to go to my in-laws’ house,’ or ‘I was getting married’. This proves that stress or anxiety could prove to be a very prominent cause of acne, and some stresses are unavoidable.

Major acne causes

Acne is caused by three main factors.

People with acne tend to have overactive sebaceous glands – the glands that produce the oil in your skin. Acne-prone skin doesn’t get rid of dead skin cells as effectively, which can clog pores. Acne-prone skin also contains more Propionibacteria acnes (bacteria linked to inflamed acne pimples) in the pores.

Heredity, hormones and environmental factors can determine the severity of acne. Stress, diet, exercise, and skincare also play a role. Other hidden culprits? A dirty cell phone, used yoga mats and pillowcases, all filled with dirt, bacteria, and oil. If you contrôle some of these acne causes you will notice a significant improvement in your skin texture quality.

Is it necessary to treat acne?

Though it is a popular myth that treating acne is not required, that it should be allowed to run its course.

Dermatologists strongly advise to treat acne for the following reasons:

  • In the absence of treatment, dark spots and permanent scars can appear on the skin as acne clears.
  • Treating acne often has a good impact on a person’s self-esteem and confidence.
  • Many effective treatments that clear the disease in a shorter time are available.
  • The more acne remains on the skin, the more the probability of having a post-acne scar.

With regards to the above, it’s imperative that you find a unique solution to this disease, instead of putting your faith in an ancient myth that has no scientific backing.

Can I realistically rid my skin of acne?

Chances are, once you start the right acne diet and stop using products like scrubs and tinted moisturizers, your skin can recover fairly quickly. So stop worrying and checking your reflection in the mirror every two minutes.

Excessive exfoliation and cleansing can actually exacerbate your acne problems. This irritates and dries out your skin, causing you to produce more sebum. And overdoing it with acne treatments can have the same effect. Concealers make your pimples more noticeable and are also temporary, so trust me they are not advisable.

Will acne scars ever go away?

Frankly speaking, unlike acne marks which are just temporary skin discoloration, that disappears after 3-6 months. Acne scar is permanent skin damage that requires skin treatment in order to disappear. So it is possible to get rid of it, but with the use of a potent scare-treating product.

How long does it take for acne spots to fade?

There are different types of acne spots with each one having different requirements.

The flat, pink, reddish spots that produce flat, pinkish colored dots actually fade by themselves in a few weeks to months even without treatment.

Then we have flat brown spots in which some will fade by themselves and others will need further treatment.

Finally, we have the persistent pink and brown spots which will never fade if not well treated.

What is the best treatment for acne?

It is of great importance to reduce as much as possible the duration and intensity of the inflammation brought about by acne; therefore, quick acne treatment is very important. To this effect, we propose the use of Dr. Elix Expert Acne Treatment Serum. It is designed to penetrate deep into your skin and treat acne effectively—and as quickly as possible—to reduce the post-acne damage. The acne treatment serum is also effective in clearing fast acne breakouts, redness, large pores and blackheads, scars, and blemishes. As a supplement and a golden beauty ritual part, we recommend the use of our Prickly pear seed oil for its amazing skincare benefits, especially for sensitive acne-prone skin.

In an industry where people are constantly knocking each other off or making their competitors feel flattered by imitation, this serum is a truly original product that hasn’t spawned any copycats.

An American actor once said that “In our personal and professional lives, we are constantly hit with one adversity after the other, most of which we have no control over. However, there are four things we have total control over: how we react, how we adapt, how we breathe, and how we act. That perfect skin you desire isn’t impossible for you to have, all you need to do is act!!


Dr. Elix – Nature’s Finest Elixirs

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