A woman asking if gout can affects women like men
Nowadays gout can affect anyone, however women get it significantly less than men, over 4 times less.
An old famous inflammatory arthritis type known before as the king’s disease with a specific affinity to men, gout actually causes serious discomfort to almost 4% of american adults, for both genders, according to the Arthritis Foundation.
This article will focus on everything gout in women, can they get it, how common it is, the main cause and when women get it, symptoms, treatment best option and prevention!
Let’s make the point,
What does gout feel like in women?
Gout is pointed when a woman is exposed to a sudden attack to one of her joints, usually the big toe and often at night, marked with intense pain and swelling, which tend to worsen and reach the peak during the first 12 hours and may last for few days or weeks before resolving.
How do you treat gout in women?
Usually NSAIDs such as naproxen or diclofenac are recommended to treat a gout attack, or even steroid shots, however we encourage you to consider Dr. Elix’s Gout Pain Relief as your first-line if you are serious about treating your gout.
As a true fast and efficient topical gout treatment, Dr. Elix’s gout pain relief offers to both men and women with gout, in a meticulous synergistc elixir’s grade natural formula, the following therapeutic benefits:
– Strong fast anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
– Joint deposited gout crystals breaking and dissolving.
– Joint smooth tissues fast healing and antifibrosis cicatrisant.
– Powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant activities.
– Nerves and vessels health support.
What is the main trigger for gout?
There are numerous triggers, but high-purine foods and drinks are the number one trigger for gout. Having a diet low in purine is capital to manage and control gout.
Avoid especially red meat and organ meats such as the kidney, liver, as well as seafood and alcohol.
In one study, the most commun gout trigger was alcohol, with 14% of participants reported this.
When it comes to gout triggers, each gout patient is different and the rise of his uric acid levels can be more susceptible to a specific food, drink or stress level.
It is advisable to keep a track record of your gout triggers and to identify your flare-ups most causing factor.
What age do women get gout?
Often women get gout after menopause, which is experienced commonly between 45 and 55 years old. After menopause, as a natural biological ageing process, the estrogen levels drop significantly inducing a considerable increase in uric acid levels and thus the chances of getting gout.
Rarely premenopausal women experience gout and if it occurs, the cause can be an exaggerated high-purine diet, alcohol consumption or renal dysfunction.
What stops gout immediately?
Apply Dr. Elix’s Gout Pain Relief Topical Treatement to the affect joint to relieve gout pain quickly, subside significantly swelling and symptoms discomfort, while breaking and dissolving joint deposited uric acid crystals to stop the flare and prevent its frequent recurrence.
What is the fastest way to flush gout?
It is recommended for anyone with gout, be it man or woman, to keep hydrated, drinking enough plain water (+8 glasses per day) and when experiencing a flare up to increase the water intake up to 16 glasses.
Dehydration is one of the risks of gout and drinking enough water is the best option to flush out excess uric acid through urine as well as to lower the swelling and pressure.
What else can be mistaken for gout?
Pseudogout are usually misdiagnosed for gout. Both are very similar in everything symptoms and the only difference is the cause.
Pseudogout is also caracterisied by joint crystals deposit. While gout is related to the joint uric acid crystals deposit, pseudogout happen due calcium perophosphate crystals deposition, know as CPPD.
Why do women get gout?
Due to the effect of estrogen (female hormone secreted during the female reproductive cycle), which promotes the excression of uric acid through the kidneys, women can get gout but usually after the menopause.
Low levels of estrogen after the menopause induces the rise of uric acid levels in women and so the chances of getting gout.
Where does gout start in women?
According to several studies and the Arthritis Foundation, women get gout differently than men and affect slowly several joints at once.
While female gout patients may develop gout in the big toe joint, they often experience it in their toes, knees, ankles, heel, wrist and fingers. Joints that are usually involved in women activities or may be exposed to some osteoathritis damage.
Gout in women is often misdiagnosed for other arthritis types such as rheumatoid arthritis, septic arthritis, or pseudogout.
Is it rare for women to get gout?
Gout is considered from ancient times a male’s disease, howerver actually has been shown that gout is also common in women after menopause, but rarely before!
This is due, as mentioned above, to the estrogen hormone which increases excesse uric acid from the system through urine. A gout protective estrogen role that women lose after menaupose as a natural effect of biological ageing.
Postmenopausal women should consider a number of gout prevention tips, such as opting for a balanced healthy diet and lifestyle.
What are the 4 stages of gout?
Usually gout show unnoticed with a starting phase called asymptomatic hyperuricemia (marked with high uric acid levels but without the gout symptoms or flares), after that first stage, gout show up through painful episodes of gout attacks and so the acute gouty arthritis stage, then intercritical gout which are intervales between flare-ups and the most advanced stage is the chronic tophaceous gout.
Women can get gout but in a significantly lower rate than men.
Women experience gout symptoms usually after menopause, and rarely before.
The joints the most affected in female gout patients are the toes, ankles, knees, wrist and fingers. The joints mostly involved in daily activities or exposed to some damage of Osteoarthritis.
Pseudogout is the other form of inflammatory arthritis usually mistaking for gout. They are similar in the symptoms but different in the cause. Also, gout is often misdiagnosed in women as it affects them differently than men.
To stop gout immediately apply Dr. Elix’s gout pain relief topical treatment. An authentic quick gout remedy for immediate gout pain relief, gout prevention and joint health preserving and functionality improvement.
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