A gout patient experiencing a painful gout attack
How to get rid of gout pain fast during flares? A gout flare up is marked by excruciating pain in your joints usually in foot, it lasts long and just does not seem to go away.
This article will examine what you can do to ease gout pain and feel much better in only a matter of minutes.
What is gout?
Gout is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation, pain and swelling of the joints. It is a medical condition that results from a high blood level of a substance called uric acid.
In a healthy person, uric acid gets removed from the body with urine. But that is not the case in gout. When uric acid levels rise, urate crystals are formed. These accumulate in the joints, giving rise to pain and other gout signs.
What does a gout attack feel like?
A gout attack or gout flare is a severe episode of gout, marked by a very high level of inflammation in your joints. It usually affects the big toe first, causing:
- Excruciating pain
- Swelling
- Tenderness
- Increased warmth
- Decreased ability to move the joint
The severe pain of gout is described as a pain that makes you feel like your joint is on fire. Touching your joint or moving it causes unbearable pain.
A gout attack can start with a burning feeling in the joint 1-2 hours before the severe pain sets in.
Sometimes an attack happens suddenly, often waking you up in the middle of the night. Gout attacks can happen frequently and may last from a few days to a few weeks.
What stops gout pain immediately?
The pain during a gout attack is one of the worst and most intense pains that you can experience.
Luckily, there are a few treatment options, that can help you get rid of gout pain fast. These options include:
- Dr. Elix for immediate gout pain relief & crystals removal
- Painkiller medicines (Corticosteroids, NSAIDS)
- Applying cold or warmth to the joint
What is the most effective painkiller for gout?
Painkillers are useful to stop gout pain immediately during a gout attack. They achieve this by reducing active inflammation happening in the joints.
The best painkillers for the management of a gout flare up are:
- Dr. Elix gout pain relief treatment. Combine several powerful therapeutic effects allowing to effectively relieve gout pain quickly. (Read below)
- NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen, reduce inflammation of the joints and thus relieving gout pain. They are over-the-counter (OTC) medications, so they can be obtained in the pharmacy without your doctor’s prescription.
- Colchicine. This medication may relieve gout pain during a gout attack. High doses of colchicine may cause unwanted side effects, such as nausea and vomiting. Always take it with your doctor’s prescription.
- Corticosteroids, such as Prednisone, are prescribed by your doctor when NSAIDs or colchicine do not work. They can be taken by mouth or injected into your joint to ease pain. When more than one joint is affected, corticosteroids can be injected directly into your muscle.
Dr. Elix’s gout pain relief
If you are going through a gout attack, you will want to try Dr. Elix’s gout pain relief topical treatment, which helps to stop gout pain in as little as 7-15 minutes and fast control gout flare ups due to its powerful anti-inflammatory and uric acid crystals breaking and dissolving properties, and other therapeutic effects.
It is designed to quickly relieve gout pain and control swelling and gout attacks symptoms in general. It is very easy to use and proven to be excellent in treating gout attacks.
Dr. Elix gout pain relief topical treatment:
- Has powerful anti-inflammatory effects
- Removes uric acid crystals (newly deposited or tophi)
- Heals fast injured tendons and muscles
- Has antiseptic, antibacterial and super antioxidant properties
Applying ice to the joint
If you don’t have your Dr. Elix’s gout pain relief on hand yet, try putting ice packs on your joint. Get an ice pack and wrap it with a cloth. It is important to wrap the ice pack, as it should not directly touch your skin. Put the wrapped pack on you joint for about 20-30 minutes and repeat this process a few times during the day for quick pain relief. You can also try soaking your joint in cold water.
Cold temperatures help reduce inflammation in your joint, easing the pain and swelling quickly.
Does soaking in a hot water bath help with a gout attack?
Warm water can help with a gout attack as well, especially when the inflammation is not very intense. Soaking your joints in warm water gets more blood to them, making recovery from gout pain quicker. It is believed that warming your joints breaks down urate crystals, relieving gout signs.
How to get rid of gout pain fast?
If you have ever experienced a gout flare up, you know how irritating it can be. Because of the pain and other joint symptoms, you feel it is impossible to work or enjoy your day. You can stop a gout attack and get rid of gout pain quickly by:
- Applying natural remedies
- Using OTC medicine (NSAIDs)
- Staying hydrated
Natural remedies to quickly ease pain during a gout attack
Natural remedies are a great way to get fast gout pain relief during a gout attack. You can apply them easily and effectively at home. There are several options you can do at your own home to treat and stop a gout attack:
- Apply Dr. Elix gout pain relief fast-acting topical treatment to quickly relieve pain and swelling and to remove gout crystals.
- Apply ice packs to your joint.
- Soak joints in cold water (or warm water if the inflammation is not very intense).
- Rest your joints during the flare.
- Elevate your joints with a pillow underneath.
Read more on: Immediate Gout Pain Relief Best Options By Dr. Elix
How to instantly flush uric acid out of your system?
We already know that a high level of uric acid in the blood is the main cause of gout. If the level of uric acid in your body is high, gout attacks become more severe. So how can you remove uric acid from your system to manage a gout attack? The answer is to drink plenty of fluids.
Water is the number one choice to stay hydrated and flush out uric acid. It helps your kidneys remove excess fluids from the body and reduces swelling of joints. During a gout attack, it is advised to drink 16 glasses of water a day.
How long does extreme gout last?
A gout attack usually last for 5 to 7 days, then it eases off. The pain in the joints is highest in the first two days after the attack starts. Sometimes a flare can last for 2 weeks, so it is important to start treatment early and be prepared. With good treatment, gout attacks happen less often and are less severe.
Can gout clear up overnight?
Yes, there are several treatment options available for you to use, which can relieve gout pain, but to get rid of gout pain fast at your own comfort you should look for Dr. Elix gout pain relief treatment, as it provides powerful anti-inflammatory effects with several pathways, combined with its gout crystals breaking and dissolving, antibacterial, antioxidant and other properties to stop the pain and inflammation, remove the flare cause and to promote your joint tissues fast healing.
Treating gout as a medical condition requires your long-term attention. If you want to successfully reduce uric acid and manage gout, you will need to opt for effective gout home remedies, make appropriate diet and lifestyle changes.
Also, if you choose to proceed the medical way, follow your treatment right steps and you should consider, as well, the underlying causes of gout.
Prevention and long-term treatment of gout
To reduce uric acid levels, remove gout crystals, prevent gout attacks from happening frequently and complications, you need 4 treatment types to opt for:
- Dr. Elix gout pain relief treatment. It relieves gout pain fast, breaks up and dissolves gout crystals providing a good space of time free from attacks, the time needed for new deposited uric acid crystals to reach the level to trigger a new gout attack. Additionally, with its joint tissues healing properties, it allows blood to flow normally through the affected joints without being slowed down by sites of inflammation like injuries, infections and fibrosis. Authentic effects that treat and prevent gout attacks!
- Effective gout home remedies. There are many foods and drinks that are actually reseach-backed and proven effective in lowering uric acid levels, assisting in dissolving gout crystals and relieving pain. (Read below)
- Dietary changes. To lower your body uric acid levels you should opt for a low purines diet and avoid purine-rich foods and drinks.
- Lifestyle changes. This is very important as stress promote inflammation in your body and thus slow the blood flow and metabolism. Don’t forget that gout is first a metabolic disorder, so a balanced metabolism is crucial and can be achieved easily by enhancing your comfort.
You can opt also for medical treatment, or combine both medical and natural gout treatment options.
The long-term treatment of gout requires discipline and patience. Only this way it becomes possible for you to achieve the best results in your fight against gout.
What is the best thing to drink if you have gout?
Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do to fight gout. Drinking plenty of fluids flushes out uric acid and relieves gout symptoms. The best drinks for gout are non-alcoholic and low in sugar. They include:
- Water. It is advised to drink 8 glasses of water a day (16 during a gout attack). As mentioned, water flushes out excess uric acid.
- Squeezed lemon, turmeric and apple cider vinegar mixed with water. This mixture is effective for neutralizing uric acid and easing gout pain.
- Tart cherry juice. According to studies, tart cherry juice has anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce inflammation and gout signs.
- Skimmed milk. Studies have shown that drinking skimmed or low-fat milk decreases the level of uric acid, reduces the risk to develop a gout attack and helps take out uric acid with urine.
- Teas (Hibiscus, Nettle tea, Dandelion). These herbal teas fight inflammation, help you relax and lower uric acid levels.
- Coffee. Coffee has a natural ability to decrease uric acid levels, thus contributing to ease gout pain.
Which foods reduce uric acid?
The foods recommended for gout pain are typically low in purines. A low level of purines leads to reduced uric acid levels. If you have gout, your diet should include these foods:
- Cherries. Cherries are great for gout and should be consumed by every gout patient, as they have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
- Apples and bananas. Even though apples and bananas have a little sugar in them, it is suggested to eat one of each every day to fight gout signs and symptoms.
- Onions, potatoes and cucumbers. Onions have flavonoids, which reduce the production of uric acid, potatoes are very low in purines, whereas cucumbers are made almost entirely of water. These qualities make these vegetables very helpful toward getting rid of uric acid and gout.
- Ginger root. This plant has fantastic properties which fight inflammation and promote the relief of gout symptoms.
- Celery. Celery seeds should be included in every gout diet, as they contain luteolin, a substance which reduces uric acid levels in the body.
What are the 10 foods and drinks that trigger gout?
Foods and drinks rich in purines and sugar may trigger gout attacks and make symptoms of gout worse. To prevent gout attacks, you will want to limit or avoid these foods and drinks from your diet:
- Drinks with high sugars (high-fructose corn syrup, fruit juices, sodas)
- Alcoholic drinks (especially beer and liquor)
- Meats (red meats, organ meats, turkey meat)
- Seafood (shellfish and fish)
- Tomatoes
- Yeast
- Gravy
- Meat sauces.
What medicine should you use for gout?
OTC medications, corticosteroids and colchicine are common in treating gout attacks and relieving pain quickly.
Your doctor may decide to prescribe you additional medications for the long-term treatment of gout. These medications are specific for gout and act by one of two ways:
- By stopping uric acid production (xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibitors)
- By promoting its removal from the body (uricosurics).
What are the 3 complications for gout?
If left untreated, gout can develop dangerous complications, such as:
- Osteoarthritis
- Bone erosions
- Kidney stones
One of the most effective ways to manage these complications at the joint level is by using Dr. Elix gout pain relief & crystals removal topical treatment (2nd version). It has proven to have a powerful, positive effect against complications of gout by:
- Relieving the damaged joint pain
- Repairing the damaged joint cartilage
- Removing joint-deposited calcium pyrophosphate crystals
- Promoting fast healing of injured ligaments
Should I walk with gout?
It is recommended that you should not do any physical activities when a gout attack is happening. Walking or any other form of exercise puts more pressure on the joints, resulting in even more pain during a gout attack. Resting your joints and elevating them reduces inflammation and eases the symptoms and signs of a flare.
But studies say that physical activities have an excellent effect in improving gout pain after a gout attack.
According to the Arthritis Foundation, walking is a safe activity for people with gout. Walking is a beneficial activity which keeps you and your joints active. It should be performed for at least 150 minutes a week.
Except for walking, the CDC states the following activities as useful treatment options for gout:
- Swimming and water aerobics
- Cycling
- Weight exercises
Gout is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation, pain and swelling of joints in your body. It is a medical condition caused by a high level of uric acid in the blood.
A gout attack is an episode of gout, characterized by severe pain. The pain of a gout attack can be relieved fast by using treatment methods at home.
Gout attacks can last for a few days and are a major worry for gout patients. The common treatment options of gout attack involve natural remedies, diet changes, lifestyle changes or medications.
Dr. Elix gout pain relief topical treatment allows gout patients to get rid of gout pain quickly, within minutes, and effectively stop swelling and gout attack symptoms. 100% natural fast-acting gout medication to treat and prevent gout flare-ups.
The long-term treatment of gout requires discipline and patience. Follow your doctor’s advice at all times.
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