Your natural Choice against Hirsutism

Over time, people have been asking questions such as, “Are there permanent cures for hirsutism? What is the best treatment for it? Does hair inhibitor really work? And are hair growth inhibitors safe to use? No doubt, all these questions arise due to the frustrations people have encountered while trying to find a lasting cure to this disfiguring disease. Luckily, however, answers to these questions are not far-fetched because here, all your questions are not just well answered but also, a permanent solution is actively provided.

Being a lady comes with a lot of responsibilities; you have to look good at all times. For a lady, beauty has to be absolute with no blemish at all. But unwanted or excessive hair growth at uncomfortable places known as hirsutism can be devastating to this impression. At this time that great attention is being paid to the body, a little anomaly such as excessive hair growth can be degrading. Women who openly display facial hair are rare, but women with facial hair are not.

Hirsutism affects up to 17% of women, according to the Encyclopedia of Hair. Doctors even refer to it as “common.” It is most common among young women with 5 to 10 percent of them being diagnosed of it every year.

While excessive hair growth such as hair sprouting out of the nose and ear or growth of facial hair can go unnoticed or even sometimes appreciated in males, females aren’t that lucky. As delicate and perfectly designed creatures, females can settle for nothing less than perfect. Virtually all women have facial and body hair, but it is usually very fine and light in color.

What differentiates hirsutism from normal hair growth?

The major distinction between typical hair on a woman’s body and face (commonly called “peach fuzz”) and hair growth due to hirsutism is the texture. Excessive or unwanted hair growing on a woman’s face, arms, back or chest is usually coarse and dark. In some cases, a lady may feel she is hairier than her fellow ladies, when in fact it is simply that her hair grows darker and thicker, which makes it more noticeable. This can simply be cured by applying a depilatory cream to the legs and bikini line. The application of a mild bleaching cream can also be employed.

However, in the case of hirsutism which usually develops during puberty, though certain illnesses or medical treatments can cause it to occur at any stage in life. The condition is often genetic which means you probably got it from your parents.

What are the types of hirsutism?

There are two types of hirsutism, known as idiopathic hirsutism and secondary hirsutism. When a woman develops either type of hirsutism, her hair follicles enlarge and the hair becomes darker and thicker.

1. Idiopathic hirsutism

Idiopathic literally means that the cause of something is unknown. When applied to hirsutism, It means that the cause of the condition is a mystery, or maybe not because a reasonable explanation to this kind of hirsutism is that it’s hereditary, as there is often a family history of the condition. Unlike the second type, the women affected by this condition doesn’t show any other symptoms associated with hirsutism except excessive hair growth, this doesn’t make it better because they are often more difficult to remove.

2. Secondary hirsutism

Now, this is more serious than idiopathic hirsutism. Women with secondary hirsutism are often presented with conditions like irregular menstrual cycles, and that is just the beginning. Additionally, they experience excessive hair growth which is one of a series of ‘masculine’ traits, including smaller breasts, larger muscles, and a deeper voice than normal.

What causes hirsutism?

Hirsutism is a condition in which a woman develops excessive hair growth (i.e. the presence of terminal and coarse hairs in females in a male-like pattern). The cause has been attributed to high levels of androgen, menopause-related hormone changes, or disorders of the adrenal glands or ovaries.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of hirsutism, it is a very common disease and usually self-diagnosable. It can also cause obesity and very irregular menstrual cycles, some ladies carry it like a plaque all their life without ever getting a cure suitable for them.

Common hair removal methods

Hair removal dates back to prehistoric times, when women used the sharpened edges of rocks as razors or pushed two shells together to create tweezers. In ancient Egypt, Greece, and the Roman empire, women removed all of their body hair and recipes for doing so exist from at least the days of the Pharaohs, says Jill Burke, Ph.D., a senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh and author of the forthcoming book The Italian Renaissance Nude. “In the Renaissance, there was an explosion of treatments for facial appearance,” she says, “and hair removal became more popular in this era because of a new emphasis on the nude form.” In addition to pubic hair, women were removing leg hair, underarm hair, and upper lip hair, Burke explains.

As we have earlier stated, hirsutism has a negative psychological effect on its victim so in the strive of getting rid of this condition, women often resort to removal of facial hair by different epilation methods, such as plucking, shaving, and waxing. Though these methods are quite simple and cheap, they are temporary and have their own specific side effects like physical discomfort, scarring, folliculitis, irritant dermatitis or discoloration. As much as these methods are in a way effective, they are not the kind of solution I would propose you employ. They are temporary which means you have to continually use them, and they also lead to other skin diseases which I have mentioned earlier. So it’s one condition to the other and so your skin is never really free of infections. What you need isn’t what brings more discomfort and gives you scars, what you require is an effective and natural solution that inhibits the growth of unwanted or excessive facial hair without producing any undesirable side effects.

Which is the best method to curb hirsutism?

It is a popular saying that “it is better to prevent than to cure”. In our case, I think it is better to inhibit the growth of these unwanted facial hairs instead of trying to get rid of them after they have grown. The best natural hirsutism treatment is the use of natural hair growth inhibitors, a hirsute female can employ this method in inhibiting the growth of excessive facial hair without having to worry about any potential side effects. Dr. Elix Expert Hair Growth Inhibitor Serum we recommend works by inhibiting naturally the factors that influence the growth of unwanted hair thereby preventing their growth and becoming active and major. It also acts by enhancing the sensitivity of the skin to DHT (dihydrotestosterone, which is responsible for facial hair growth) metabolites.

The hirsutism Hair Growth Inhibitor Expert Serum is your best bet when it comes to the natural inhibition of unwanted hair growth. The serum makes your skin less thick and gives it a silky touch making it just the ideal skin of a lady. The ingredients used in the production of these facial hair inhibitor serum are 100% natural with no recorded side effects.

Hirsutism Hair Growth Inhibitor Expert Serum can be used (if preferred) with any hair removal/epilation technique such as waxing, sugaring,… IPL or laser hair removal technique, though on its own it is very efficient. Check out our article reviewing the most popular hair removal methods to get more reasons to select the best one!

Taking actions against hirsutism

“Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful” says Zoe Kravitz, a popular American actress. To be accepted as beautiful by others, you have to accept that fact yourself. Perfection isn’t hard to achieve, the only problem is ignorance. Take actions regarding your beauty today and let your body speak for you. We have managed to face some hirsutism symptoms that may occur providing authentic natural remedies for your maximum comfort and support as for Acne treatment and Hair loss treatment, as well as a supplement you can include in your beauty regimen, the prodigious Prickly pear seed oil or our duo joining the most famous Moroccan oils Prickly pear seed oil and Argan oil for a subtle premium skin and hair care.


Dr. Elix – Nature’s Finest Elixirs

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