What exactly is Erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction Libido Booster Man Health Natural Solutions Elixirs Grade by Dr Elix

After you’ve made all the right moves, the last thing you want is for your little mate to let you down. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is something everyone experiences in one way or another, it is something anyone involved in a relationship with at least one penis-bearing-person must deal with.

It’s easy to let go once or twice maybe, especially when you’re drunk, or with a long time partner, or maybe with a lot of sexual confidence. But if you’re like me, your first sexual encounter with a new partner could be painful.

Doctors define ED as the constant inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. It is more common than many people think and affects between 15 and 30 million American men. It’s more prevalent with age. According to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, about 5% of 40-year-old men suffer from ED, but for 65-year-old men, the figure rises to 15-25%.

As I’ve earlier said, many men (regardless of age) have an occasional problem achieving an erection.

If they are honest, every man will tell you that he has been impotent at least one time in his life, says Neil Baum, MD. Not every intimate encounter is a “10”. It can be devastating when erectile dysfunction occurs,” he says. “The whole concept of a man’s masculinity can be sapped”. Until the early 1970s, experts believed that underlying problems in the psyche were at the root of most erectile dysfunction.

Today, the medical community recognizes that medication, lifestyle choices or injury are among the most common causes of erectile dysfunction.

There are many reasons for experiencing erectile dysfunction. These can include strict parenting, poor sex education, relationship problems, unhealthy masturbation routine, personal pressures from friends or family, trauma, and mental health issues.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

It used to be thought that most ED was psychological in nature. We now think that’s quite uncommon,’ says Dr. Laurence Klotz, urologist and president of the Canadian Urological Association. Although anxiety, depression and stress can contribute to it, they can simply make an existing problem worse.

The heart connection

Researchers are also learning more about the connection between erectile dysfunction and heart health. New studies show erection problems can be the earliest sign of coronary heart disease.

A Mayo Clinic study followed 1,400 men for 10 years and found that not only were ED sufferers more likely to develop heart disease but this risk was higher if the men were under 50 years of age when they developed erectile dysfunction. Younger men were about twice as likely,” says researcher Jennifer St. Sauver.

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical medical or emotional factors. years ago, erectile difficulties were mostly seen as an emotional problem. Today, it is thought to be a physical or medical problem with three main causes. The first cause is a lack of blood flow to the penis. Smoking, heart disease and high blood sugar can affect blood circulation and cause erectile difficulties.

The second cause is that the penis cannot store blood during an erection, which means that the man cannot maintain an erection because the blood does not stay trapped in the penis long enough. This type of problem is called venous leakage or cavernous dysfunction, and can occur at any age.

The third cause of erectile dysfunction is that nerve signals from the brain or spinal cord do not reach the penis. Certain diseases, injuries or surgeries in the pelvic area can cause damage to the nerves of the penis.

ED can also be a side effect of certain medications such as blood pressure medications, antihistamines, antidepressants and ulcer medications.

Psychological and Emotional Factors

Even when there is a physical cause, psychological or emotional factors may make Erectile dysfunction worse.

For example, a physical problem that slows down a man’s sexual arousal can create anxiety, which in turn can worsen ED. Depression and past sexual trauma can also lead to erectile difficulties. If this is your situation, it may be helpful to talk to a mental health professional about these problems.

In summary, listed below are the potential causes of erectile dysfunction

  • Psychological (performance anxiety, depression, relationship problems)
  • Heart (high blood pressure, raised cholesterol, coronary heart disease)
  • Nervous System (multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s)
  • Structural (foreskin problems, curvature of the penis)
  • Urinary Tract (enlarged prostate)
  • Hormonal (diabetes, inadequate testosterone production)
  • Drugs (antidepressants, antihypertensives)
  • Recreational Drugs (cocaine, marijuana, heroin)
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking

Is there anything I can do to help get rid of my symptoms?

Absolutely. It is strongly advised to stop smoking, reduce alcohol consumption and avoid recreational drugs. Regular physical activity should also be encouraged, but those who cycle for more than three hours a week should try taking a break from their bike, as this may help.

Also, having regular sex can prove useful. A 5-year study of nearly 1,000 Finnish men aged 55-75 years showed that those who reported having sex less than once a week had two the incidence of ED than men who have sex once a week. The researchers conclude that regular sexual intercourse appears to protect men from ED.

You could also try losing weight, studies show that men who are overweight are more likely to have difficulties maintaining an erection. If you are at least 20% heavier than your ideal weight, consider loosing a few pounds. Consider karate or a weight training program. Not only will a fitter body reduce the likelihood of ED, but it will also increase self-confidence. The better a man feels about his body, the better he’ll feel about “the event,” says Goldstein.

Counseling or “talk therapy” is another way to manage ED. Psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and marriage counselors can help you deal with problems at home or work that may be affecting your sex life. Some counsellors specialize in sex therapy, which involves talking about your feelings related to erectile difficulties, sex and intimacy. Counseling can be done on your own or together with your partner.

What can I do when my partner has erectile dysfunction?

According to experts, your partner is more likely to seek treatment if you are supportive and able to talk about it. Don’t bring it up right after a failed sex, says Brian Parker, Edmonton human sexuality expert.

But what if he feels he’s failing you sexually? Show him that he can satisfy you without an erection, says Parker. A couple can do things that are sexual but not intercourse. Tempted to back out because his lack of erection makes you feel unwanted? That will only make matters worse. ‘Men have sexual egos,’ says Parker. You need to reassure your partner that you love him. You may also want to consider seeing a counsellor.

What are the treatment Options for erectile dysfunction?

There was a time when problems in the bedroom stayed in the bedroom. Today, sexual difficulties have come into the open thanks to advertisements for drugs, advances in treatment and expert advice. Impotence, now commonly called erectile dysfunction, is no longer a hushed-up diagnosis, and for good reason. It is possible to get treatment at any age, and many men who seek treatment return to normal sexual activity.

For some men, changing certain habits such as quitting smoking or using drugs and alcohol can help or even eliminate erectile dysfunction. Diet, physical activity and weight are also key factors.

All the aforementioned things can be quite useful in taking care of the condition but when lifestyle changes fail to help and counseling seems ineffective or maybe you don’t feel comfortable with it, more effective actions have to be taken.

Oral medications are a popular method used against erectile dysfunction. It works by relaxing the muscle cells in the penis and allowing for better blood flow. This increased blood flow helps create a firm erection. There are also injectable drugs, sometimes called self-injection therapy. This is the injection of drugs at the base of the penis or small drug pellets into the urethra before intercourse.

Any man with ED can use vacuum erection devices. These devices help draw blood into the penis to create an erection. Once the erection occurs, an elastic ring is placed around the base of the penis. These rings help keep the blood in the penis. The rings should not be used for more than 30 minutes, as they can damage the tissue. Vacuum erection devices are safe and effective, but some men find them difficult to use.

What is the best treatment option for ED?

Now, some us like to settle for nothing less than the best and so here there is a product that will get your ‘little mate’ up without fuss or stress. Our erectile dysfunction treatment serum is developed entirely from natural ingredients, all armed with the ability to make your penis stand up and stay up for as long as necessary.

Sex is a thing of beauty and so you as well as every other person out there deserve to have a fair share of it, and this product will give you just that. No more erectile dysfunction, no more disappointment, it’s time to have a great sex life. A trial is a sure bet for your conviction.

Dr. Elix – Nature’s Finest Elixirs

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